TKU Governing the Transfer of Credits Online System

(Applicants: Freshmen and transferring students enrolled at the spring semester, 2021.)

  一、 抵免規則、作業流程、系統操作步驟…等說明請詳閱相關公告附檔
二、 開放申請時間:
新 生--2月22日至3月22日
三、 轉學生請於報到完成後、新生請於前述申請時間內,繳交成績單正本至錄取學系(所),並詢問學分抵免相關事宜。
四、 抵免審核程序包含系(所)初審與註冊組複審兩階段,其中註冊組收到系(所)承辦人所送紙本資料後,至少需5個工作天進行複審,故建議學生儘早進行抵免申請作業。
五、 3月8日起開放學生查詢審核結果。
(1) 登入後如無法查看審核結果,表示審核程序尚未完成。
(2) 審核完成之影本資料將送至各系(所),請各系(所)轉交給各生。
(3) 學生若對審核結果有疑問,請於4月底前逕自洽詢各系(所)。
六、 經教務處審核通過抵免的科目,如已選課(含學生自選與校方代選),須自行於規定時間內辦理退選。
(1) 未退選者,該選課科目將與抵免科目並列於成績單中,成績亦列入平均、學分不及格等相關計算。
(2) 未退選而造成重覆修課者,依選課規則之規定「同一課程,重覆修習2次以上,僅計算一次學分數於畢業學分數內」辦理。
(3) 選課資料可至【校務行政資訊查詢系統->查詢選課資料】查看。
Brief description:
  1. Please contact the assistant of your major department for the regulations, credit transferring process, etc.
2. Submission duration:
Transfer students: From February 22nd till March 22nd (You can login to the system a week after the registration.)
New first year students (freshmen): From February 22nd till March 22nd
3. Please turn in the original transcript to the office of your department within the submission period and inquire about the transfer of credits. For transfer students, please turn in the transcript right after the registration day.
4. After preliminary review by corresponding TKU departments, credit transfer applications will be sent to the Office of Academic Affairs for a secondary evaluation. The procedure lasts at least for 5 business days. Therefore, we suggest students apply as soon as possible.
5. The result can be checked from March 8th.
(1) If students are unable to check the result, it means the procedure is still going.
(2) The photocopy of the result will be sent to the office of the department and will be given to the students.
(3) After a credit transfer application is approved, if students wish to make any further amendments to the application, they must apply to do so before April ends.
6. If, when applying for a transfer of credit, students discover an overlap in the courses they previously took, please drop the course within the time period.
(1) The overlap courses taken will be listed in the transcript and will be counted in the average grade, as well as being counted as failed credits if one failed the course.
(2) If, students did not drop out of courses resulting in an overlap in the courses, it depends on TKU Regulations on Student Course Selection, “Courses taken two or more times will only count once toward the credit total required for graduation”.
(3) Course information can be checked at【School Administration System -> Course Information】

